Like Duck to Water, thats how I have taken to life :). This blog is the saga of love and adventures of a small duck in a large water body called LIFE....

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Xmas lights :)

Just like halloween, I couldn't resist the Christmas decorations around my neighbourhood. Its almost like our Deepawali. Only no old-fashioned hanathes here :-D. There are lights put up in most houses with different colours, shapes and sizes and its all a delight for the sight :).

Since the decorations were all lights, the photos had to be taken at night and man! Was it freezing when I finally ventured out to do the same!! But anyways I couldn't let go of the wonderful opportunity and so with my freezing hands captured the wonderful decorations. The things I do in the name of blogging!! So what are we waiting for? Lets start off :).

The first one is from a neighbour who I always thought was Indian. We never had a chance to get to know each other (they live about 3 houses away), but they looked Indian somehow. Maybe they are Indian christians, who knows! Their decorations were really good. The best thing is that they had candy canes, Christmas tree, star, Santa Claus and a reindeer - all the main symbols of Christmas :).

The next one somehow impressed me just by the green lights on the tree. It looked really pretty, though it might not really seem so in the photo :).

As the last one did it with green, the next one used red lights to capture my heart. This one was very festive and when I took the photo I could hear the laughter of many people gathered inside the house. That made it all the more special :).

This next porch, you might recognize from my halloween photos. Looks like the people are really fond of decorations and aren't worried about the effort needed to do the same :).

The next one signifies the colour differences in the lights in houses next to each other..

Reindeers were rather a common factor in most lawns. These are mechanized ones which move their heads either up and down or side to side..

The winters are really cold here. And most of the days are dark and gloomy. But the lights somehow made all of it go away and brought a bit of cheer. I guess thats the point :).

Like halloween, the trees were not spared this time too. They took an active part in supporting the lights. Well, they might have actually enjoyed the finery, since they have lost all their leaves now :-p.

Thats it. Thats it? The thing is I took several more photos, but they didn't come out too well, mainly due to the darkness :). Anyways I am happy with the above ones and hopefully they'll bring a bit of cheer to the people who are reading this post :).


By Deepa and Supriya retorted...

I can almost visualize you sneaking around in the dark,feeling cold yet determined to get a few quick pictures :) Like I said earlier, you make me smile ;) and yes the things we do for our blogs!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and thanks for visiting my blog!

bhadra retorted...

your narration of the festive season has outsmarted the pics. i felt warmth (write up) in the chilling cold.
why do you feel pics have not come well? since you have captured the pics from distance, they have not come upto your expectation.
enjoy the festive season - if possible interact with neighbours and bring them to your blog :)

will term this as one more feather in your blog.

gurudeva daya karo deena jane

Deeps retorted...

Orchid, hehehe, I really did sneak around ;-). Was worried that people might think I'm a robber plotting something :-D.

Srinivas sir, thanks :). Your encouraging words mean a lot :). But I never did say that my pics (the ones I put up in the post) haven't come well. Only the ones I discarded weren't really upto the mark ;-) :-D.