The reality..
As the title states, this is what happens at our house at nights these days..
* Snugli falls asleep
* Sri falls sorta asleep..
* I feed Sunny and put her to sleep.
* Sri and I start to cuddle.
* Snugli wants to go potty and Sri takes her..
* Sri and I start to cuddle.
* Sunny starts crying, I console her and put her back to sleep.
* Sri and I start to cuddle.
* Sunny cries again, Sri changes her diaper, I swaddle her and put her back to sleep.
* Sri and I start to cuddle.
* Snugli starts sucking her thumb. One of us gets up, removes the thumb :-p.
So on and so forth until both of us are so exhausted that we fall asleep as soon as we hit the sack - the cuddling all forgotten :-p.
Its as if they ... {horror music}... Its as if they KNOW! ;-) :-D
Vanditha retorted...
this is actually the case with even a single child who is teething and gets up a zillion times to just turn around sleep ;)
Vanditha retorted...
Forgot to mention that I love this post :D
Chickoo retorted...
I hear you Deepthi!! In the same boat :(.
Wanna retort?