Its a girl!! (.....again :-D)
Our new latest diamond is all polished, lustrous and ready to be set.
Please join us in welcoming our second bundle of joy Saanidhya into this world.
1. Proximity
2. Closeness
3. Affectionate
4. Togetherness
Delivery: Normal
Birth Date: 27-May-2011
Time: 11:22 AM EST
Weight: 10.7 lbs!!!! (yeah poor mom :-D)
The mom is a bit tired (to say the least) from all the pounds on the baby and the baby still a bit surprised to be dragged out unexpectedly (induced because of the weight anticipated). But both are doing well and will be home in a couple of days. The dad is a professional diaper changer already and the new big sister is all excited about the little one :). Photos will be up shortly :).
Shivin retorted...
Congrats Deepthi!!
Rashmi sandeep retorted...
Congrats and take care :)
Timepass retorted...
congrats..27th is my bday too!take care
KRISHNA retorted...
Congrats to proud parents and big sister snugli............:))
ಅಶ್ವಿನಿ/ Ashwini retorted...
Congrats Deepthi!! Welcome Saanidhya:)
Sachin retorted...
Congrats Deeps!.. Like the name! very nice..
Archana retorted...
Congratulations :-)!
Swati retorted...
Congratulations !!!!
Margie retorted...
Congratulations on the baby girl.
Wonderful news!
Margie :)
PRIDERA retorted...
Congratulations !
Chickoo retorted...
SK retorted...
Congrats to the family!! :--))
R retorted...
Wanna retort?