Like Duck to Water, thats how I have taken to life :). This blog is the saga of love and adventures of a small duck in a large water body called LIFE....

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nibbles, who?

I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve Tom and Jerry. I can watch most of the cartoons again and again without feeling bored. In fact, to this day you'll find me in front of the TV if there's a Tom and Jerry show going on ;-). This video "The Little Orphan" is one of my favourites. If you have already watched it, you know Nibbles, the little orphan that comes to Jerry for dinner :-D. And I especially love the Nibbles-pointing-to-its-mouth-licking-its-lips-and-rubbing-its-stomach-to-indicate-that-its-hungry part :-D. So watch out for it :)).

Thanks to YouTube and user CelestialCatnip for the video.

Guess who Nibbles reminds me of these days? :-D.