Like Duck to Water, thats how I have taken to life :). This blog is the saga of love and adventures of a small duck in a large water body called LIFE....

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Woh bhi kya din the...

The snap was taken about 5 years ago, when all 4 of us (dad, mom, Darsh and me) had gone to Udupi for holidays. We drove to Udupi, so this photo was taken on the Shiradi ghat section. We were posing for the photo all serious, when Darsh made some stupid comment which made us laugh out loud and he managed to capture it.

Dad came here on Friday and it feels so good :). We had been to Louisville on Saturday and this photo was taken there:

I feel like I'm with family again (I know, I know that Sri is my family now :-p). But I miss not having Darsh around me. It still feels so weird not to be the "four" we were..

(This pic was taken in Udupi on our India trip last year).

Why does the heart always long for more when it has so much?

Listening to: Wish you were here by Pink Floyd :(.

"How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears,
Wish you were here."


Sumana retorted...

Hello Deepthi,
Just stepped across your blog and it gave me a humourous touch read. I must say it feel so good to jot down all those turning point of life. It is nice to know one more bangalorian. Great.

Vidhya Rajesh retorted...

Why does the heart always long for more when it has so much? - if only man/woman were ever able to find the answer for this !!!
Such a nostalgic post!

The_Girl_From_Ipanema retorted...

hey babe!
i guess we always miss the good old days and long for a time the family is together as a unit in the same place- since it happens so rarely at this point in life - even 3 members out of 4 is great but then automatically makes the 4th badly missed. :) am sure you will cherish these occasions..

here's sending you and your baby tons of cheery thoughts :D

Timepass retorted...

The last line is very touching..

By Deepa and Supriya retorted...

hey I have seen your dad before..can't remember where!!!!
and i can understand your feeling..last yr me and my brother went to India for my dads 6oth b'day and then we were a family again like old times...not really there was a new edition Li'l A and it sort of felt weird having that new person!!
and we are coming very close to u in december ( the smokies actually) i spent some time reading ur smokies post today...may need to ask u some questions, is it o.k??

Deeps retorted...


Welcome to my blog and good to know you too :).


I wish we could set limits to the heart's needs, but sadly thats not possible..


Why do we miss the old days once they are gone? I mean, at this moment I don't really think I'd miss "today" somewhere in the future.. Very strange!

And thanks a lot for the cheery thoughts :).


The thought somehow resonates with everyone, I guess..


I told you that my dad was a collegue of your dad's, so he might have visited you at your house :-D.

I guess the feeling of not being the "same old" family will continue for a long time..

Hey I'm not able to find your profile at all to see your email id. You can mail me at my id (in my profile) for any of the questions..

Canary retorted...

Hey !! glad to see you after so long at my blog, dear!

You are writing straight from the heart, as always! :)

and the pics are lovely!

~nm retorted...

Ohh yes! I also get so nostalgic when I think of the times of fun that I spent with my family before marriage and how we 4 sisters would have so much fun! Now with all of us married and living in 4 corners of the world we haven't all been together in almost 4 years now. *sigh*